Beastiary - Photon Bats

A photon bats max size is usually around 6'5" and 180 lbs, however a dire photon bat could grow to roughly 14' and 700 lbs.
Colouration in the photon bat population is wildy indiscriminate having photon bats in dark earthy shades to bright neons, the neon photon bats tend to be far more aggressive.
Colouration in the photon bat population is wildy indiscriminate having photon bats in dark earthy shades to bright neons, the neon photon bats tend to be far more aggressive.
Photon Bat 10/10/0/0
Str 15 Chr 4 Per 30
Dex 7 Man 15 Int 18
Stm 15 App 8 Wis 12 Fl Dex 35
# of Attacks: 1
Race: Photon Bat (Sentient)
Size: Normal
Wounds: 100
Warrior Source: Cannibal.
Mage Source: Sekite.
Disciplines: War, Death.
Mana: 100
Knowledges: Detection 5, Weapon Uses: Photon Eye 10
Other Powers: Soul Thief, Deathspasm 3, Hard to Kill, Feed Death, Feed War, Wraithsight, Discord, Sonar.
Weapons: Photon Eye Laser (43 to hit, 2d10+10*, 7 dodge 35 fl dodge), Bite (7 to hit).
Location: Caves, Forests, Swamps.
Dire Photon Bat 20/15/0/0
Str 20 Chr 3 Per 33
Dex 6 Man 18 Int 21
Stm 25 App 10 Wis 13 Fl Dex 42
# of Attacks: 1
Race: Photon Bat (Sentient)
Size: Large
Wounds: 250
Warrior Source: Cannibal.
Mage Source: Sekite.
Disiplines: War, Death.
Mana: 200
Knowledges: Detection 8, .
Weapon Uses: Photon Eye 20
Other Powers: Soul Thief, Deathspasm 5, Hard to Kill, Feed Death, Feed War, Wraithsight, Discord, Sonar.
Weapons: Photon Eye Laser (86 to hit, 2d10x10+20* blast, 6 dodge 42 fl dodge), Bite (6 to hit).
Location: Caves, Forests, Swamps.
ReplyDelete...but, the photon eye would be at 86 to hit, due to blast.
wtf is this